Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Please Don't Shoot Me Down

Please don't shoot me down
Cause I'm flying
I'm higher

My perception is everything.
Perception is all that matters.
Perception matters most.
What you don't know won't hurt you.

Slippery Slope. This is where things start to get really tricky.

I have come to think that it is better to deal with reality no matter how unpleasant it is.
-Dennis Quad as President Staton on American Dreamz-

This one is real tricky. We'll start with the first one. "My perception is everything."

"My perception is everything"
It is. To you. It's a cold world. It really is. But if you don't want it to be it doesn't have to be. Let's say you see the world as a great place with great people. Then that's what it is. To you. You sort of decide for yourself. So anyone can be anything if you perceive them that way. Ok agreed.

"Perception is all that matters."
False. Completely. For awhile I thought this to be absolutely true. And I've got to say that it seems rational. Even you agree(d). But it's just not all that matters. Because perception easily skews truth. I tried to rewrite this paragraph many times over to make a "notsoclosetohome" allusion and failed miserably. Perception isn't all that matters because even if you think I'm the greatest, when I'm not the greatest it doesn't matter what you perceive me as. Then when I am at my all time best, just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean I'm not here. Perception is not all that matters. At all. No conclusion here. A lot of varying thoughts, but no conclusion. Maybe another day.

"Perception matters most."
I'm still in between on this one. Because as you perceive is as it is. Sort of. If you think I'm great, it doesn't matter what I do. I'm great. Well I guess it matters what I do, but you know, just don't do THAT. And I'm great. But then I'm not great. But maybe what you think of me and what I think of me is all that matters. No matter who you are. It's not all that matters, but if we both think I'm good then I'm good? Not cosmically though. Because that's absolute. And in that case, Perception doesn't matter at all. Next post though. Absolutes.

"What you don't know won't hurt you." "Ignorance is Bliss." Etc.
Well I get real confused here. I finally grew up to realize that everything matters. It all matters. Sometimes I live my life like I live my if things are temporary. It's been a long time coming, but change came. I can see the big picture. I see what it's about. Long term. And it's not about me. It took a lot of maturing to realize it's not about me at all. Selfish sucks. Selfless rocks. I'd rather deal with reality. Really. In real life, things are not what they seem. Sometimes you don't even realize that life is what you make it. I've been every idealistic for the majority of my life. Up until a few years ago. And then it got cloudy. I mean I thought it was scattered showers, but it was more like overcast. Maybe if all you see is overcast you forget it's overcast though. Anyway, sometimes the clouds clear to see that while the sun shines bright, it's actual surface is full of burning craters and blemishes. Just keep looking at those from a distance for as long as you can though. Until global warming catches up to us all. What you don't know hurts. Because it's still there. If you don't know you're wrong, you're still wrong. One day recently I learned that just because you don't know you're sinning, doesn't mean you're still not sinning. But if you know the difference God holds you more accountable.

Does it take Action or Intention or Both to Sin? Ponder on that. I know the answer.

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