Well hmmm. After posting on restoration this came to me. By now we should know I'm big on basketball and stuff in my everyday life. Apparently even in my allusions in posts. I used to listen to this song alot and I find myself listening to it lately. I thought it would be a great one to share mainly because you probably haven't heard it, but you need to. Listen to it to enjoy it in it's entirety. It's a good way to start your day. Superb parallels.
Phanatik - Shot Clock (Brand New Day)
Phanatik - Shot Clock (Brand New Day)
Yes Sir, (Incoherent blurb)
If you can hear through Hip-hop then hear this.
Here it is, fresh off the presses.
Here to lift souls and clear all depression.
'Cause I know what it's like
When the sun's all shining but your soul feels night.
Feels like you're caught under gloom's dark presence
With a little light shining like the moon's sharp crescent.
How many days gone by
When I said I was gon' win and I ain't even try?
I wake up at half court;
The day is half gone; time left on the board is mad short.
Rushing my shots, I hurry out the door.
I don't pray, I don't take my worries to the Lord.
How much time does it take to run the floor?
Get the stop watch. Or maybe I should stop and watch the Lord.
Everyday is a new 24 on the shot clock,
Either get your shot blocked or score.
Brand new day
With each new day that's dawnin'
Every time night turns to morning
Grace is new, Mercy is new, what you gone do with it
If life is a game that you can never play in again
Would you stay in your sin or start trainin' aimin' to win?
[Verse Two]
I'm so down in points, at this point, I'll take brownie points.
Especially with the people I love;
I wish I could win or at least take the lead by a hug.
Sometimes when I'm leavin' I shrug.
Hoping they feel me like really E.Q.'d up subs.
I hope they know that I'm doing a good thing,
That's the reason I'm not around as much as I could be.
And when I'm around I'm often drained,
But I don't want relationships getting lost and strained.
I'm always telling myself
Don't have your lights out, be a lighthouse for someone else.
I could do more before I hit the floor.
Let me cop a squat, put in some quality time for sure.
Cause everyday is a new 24 on the shot clock,
Either get your shot blocked or score.
Brand new day
With each new day that's dawnin'
Every time night turns to morning
Grace is new, Mercy is new, what you gone do with it
If life is a game that you can never play in again
Would you stay in your sin or start trainin' aimin' to win?
[Verse Three]
I love the way the Lord taught the church.
He had a simple game plan when He walked on earth;
A balance between doing, and being with the people He loved
And spending time with The Father above.
If I could master the art of the latter part
I could keep from having to march back to start.
There's so many things to do,
And this brings me to my chief need, which is to cling to you.
Maslow's hierarchy listed the priority
Of the order of the things that we need and I guess it varies
From the need to feed and to find love and to seek
To succeed, but he missed the one thing that necessary.
The Lord's standing at the door
Of your heart, knocking; unlock it. Watch, He's got a lot in store.
Today is a new 24, on your shot clock
Will you get your shot blocked or score?
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